Reshaping the DeFI Lending System Introduction The ORACLE company issued a digital asset token, the company's work at the very beginning. Operation of the RAIN token in the Ethereum ERC 20 system, the BNB trust wallet has been transferred to a new system mode. Taking into account the changes in the Ethereum system itself, ORACLE started the work of the company and the project is in beta testing. Given the complexity of the creation of the token algorithm itself and the release of its certain number of minting, as they say, monetization has been carried out.620,325 Total Supply of 800,000 rainfall. Financial rain for the investor is of interest. Investment options for a new token at the start are always favorable conditions. The process of adding to the listing and starting trading can cause sharp fluctuations in the token rate from the beginning of the declared price. The exchange rate of tokens operating in the Ethereum system makes high increases in price. Abоut Rain.Cre...